So, this is a snippet of a conversation between me and a friend over a text messenger. He happens to have graduated from one of the well known, prominent institutes of India. Presently he is pursuing his higher studies in the United States.(Yeah, one more BrainDrain- Victim) He is a bit of a Congress & RaGa fan boy (Seriously, of all people?) and on that particular day, I happened to be the (sentimental, secular) Nationalist.
A couple of guys from the US asked me to translate the Hindi phrases to something comprehensible, well, I did so. LITERALLY ;) I am sorry but, to maintain the originality I pasted the conversation as it is without editing, except the translations!
Mr. NRI: And.. Enjoying the beef banning, cigarette promoting, homophobic, racist government you support?
White Tiger: First of all I am a vegetarian so, I don't give a damn about beef, not that I am against anyone who chooses to eat it. But, I am more of an environmentalist. Eating non-vegetarian contributes to global warming + precious food is wasted in rearing that one animal, so that, it can feed one person while, the same amount of food could be used by many people who don't get food. And I also believe in animal rights, unlike some people who just give thought towards LGBT people, and street dogs.
Are other animals not part of the planet too? Do we care only about human life and human rights? In fact humans are the worst thing to happen to this planet. Leading to exploitation and extinction of many a species. As for LGBT rights, well the government is doing something wrong there, I don't support it on that. If you are talking about religion then your favourite political party, was the one that propagated many such problems. Be it the Punjab crisis, Operation Bluestar, Sikh riots(1984), initially doing a good thing by supporting the Shah Bano case and then overturning it by passing the 'Muslim women (Protection of rights on divorce) Act,1986' to appease the Orthodox section of one community while neglecting the basic rights of about half the people of that very community, the women. They gave spark to the Babri Masjid issue in 1986 by giving orders to open the lock on the mosque’s gate to appease the other community, to bring in balance for their vote bank. This incident was used by the other major party (and I don't support them!) as a platform to rise to power on the basis of communal politics.
As for scams, they might have the distinction of being part of the biggest scams and the most number of those in the least time, under their belt. The initial ones were well suppressed like the Bofors, Harshad Mehta scams, etc. nothing conclusive came out of the investigations. Later on, by perhaps God's grace- the country was fortunate to have a very vigilant and brave CAG leading to the revelations of the 2G, CWG, Coal-gate scams.
White Tiger: First of all I am a vegetarian so, I don't give a damn about beef, not that I am against anyone who chooses to eat it. But, I am more of an environmentalist. Eating non-vegetarian contributes to global warming + precious food is wasted in rearing that one animal, so that, it can feed one person while, the same amount of food could be used by many people who don't get food. And I also believe in animal rights, unlike some people who just give thought towards LGBT people, and street dogs.
Are other animals not part of the planet too? Do we care only about human life and human rights? In fact humans are the worst thing to happen to this planet. Leading to exploitation and extinction of many a species. As for LGBT rights, well the government is doing something wrong there, I don't support it on that. If you are talking about religion then your favourite political party, was the one that propagated many such problems. Be it the Punjab crisis, Operation Bluestar, Sikh riots(1984), initially doing a good thing by supporting the Shah Bano case and then overturning it by passing the 'Muslim women (Protection of rights on divorce) Act,1986' to appease the Orthodox section of one community while neglecting the basic rights of about half the people of that very community, the women. They gave spark to the Babri Masjid issue in 1986 by giving orders to open the lock on the mosque’s gate to appease the other community, to bring in balance for their vote bank. This incident was used by the other major party (and I don't support them!) as a platform to rise to power on the basis of communal politics.
As for scams, they might have the distinction of being part of the biggest scams and the most number of those in the least time, under their belt. The initial ones were well suppressed like the Bofors, Harshad Mehta scams, etc. nothing conclusive came out of the investigations. Later on, by perhaps God's grace- the country was fortunate to have a very vigilant and brave CAG leading to the revelations of the 2G, CWG, Coal-gate scams.
Coming to their welfare related measures, like the loan waiver just before their previous term got over in 2009, almost made the country go down on its knees economically. Not to mention it only helped the rich farmers, the needy subsistence farmers never got much benefit. The Kashmir issue was almost solved when we won the 1971 war. Senor Bhutto was cornered. We could have got Pakistan occupied Kashmir(PoK) back, but no sir, your favorite party had for some reason let Pakistan dictate terms in the "Shimla Agreement" despite the fact that, India had won the war and had the power to lay down its own terms and conditions, especially with the "Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship" signed, nullifying American support to Pakistan.
(Again I am not saying India is right or Pakistan is right or anything. Kashmir is a political issue but people living there just want peace. They really don't care which country they belong to!)
(Again I am not saying India is right or Pakistan is right or anything. Kashmir is a political issue but people living there just want peace. They really don't care which country they belong to!)
Your party further alienated Kashmiri people to the present status that, if we conduct plebiscite in Kashmir Valley, they might not even vote to be a part of India now. You know why? They arrested their democratically elected leaders twice without much valid reason Sheikh Abdullah in 1950s they did try to set it right by releasing him 20years later.. But, again did the same to his son in 1980s. That was the period when the Abdullah's were at the peak of their popularity and could have exercised their influence on the issue. And after that began the worst part of Kashmiri history from the 1990s. The AFSPA was the final nail in the


No Polotical party is dood ka dhula(washed with Milk -- Indian thing!). The basic rule of politics(& perhaps life) is 'You cannot please everyone..' If you try to, you will perish however noble your cause is. There is nothing absolutely white or black in the world, everything is a different shade of grey.(my favourite self composed quote!) I have always maintained I don't support any party. I support change as one party left with power for too long is detrimental for any country. We were sitting on a time bomb in 2014 thanks to the silent bespectacled gentleman who led the country into a policy paralysis. If he is that clean and dignified a man (which I have no doubt, he is), why was he holding on to his post, despite having the knowledge of so many corruption cases going around under his nose? and he, himself was unable to stop his fellow colleagues? (I mean technically he was the Boss right?) If he had some self respect he should have resigned. People would have remembered him & respected him for that sacrifice in upholding truth with such a symbolic protest.
Further your party started 'Participatory Notes', (legalized way of money laundering in India). All the black money that was generated through scams, etc. can now be conveniently, pumped back into the economy as white.. Coming to the present government, well yes it has been accused of being Communal, riots, demolition of religious places and Anti-poor, it has its fair share of scams which again I don't support.
And concern coming from people who study in the country's premier institutes, funded by tax payer's money who run away, when their country needs them just because they get better opportunities elsewhere. I think they have no right to say anything unless they plan on coming back. If they think there is something wrong with the country, bhai saab tum wapas aao(translates to: Dear brother like sir, you come back) and make the country better. Anyone can talk and criticize. Practical implementation of idealistic governance is a challenge. However that doesn't mean we completely give up on it. We need to keep trying. Change is the ultimate truth.
Oh & as for cigarettes, any moron who smokes, knows it is not good for his/her health. Nobody is forcing them to smoke. If they want to die, let them, their life. The size of photographic warnings on the boxes won't make any difference.
Maturity in Indian democracy is dawning. People have to use their brains and use their voting power to bring change, give voice to their demands. If we leave it to any party they will sell the country the same way as it had happened after the Mughals. Things are not as bad as they were. Every country goes though this phase. I am optimistic about India. Does that satisfy your questions?
Mr. NRI: "Haath Jodd liye" (hands folded in respect)
White Tiger: No government is good in absolute terms but, such is politics that they have to do things like these to survive. Everyone has flaws. But, as a citizen you need to choose the best according to the circumstances. Only if you demand cleaner politics will you get it. Ideally every five years there should be a new government. So that checks and balances to the previous government's not so justifiable actions keeps the country moving ahead.
Also the NOTA option should be accounted for, if NOTA garners majority of the votes, fresh elections should be held. So, the political parties would be compelled to field clean, credible candidates!
Also the NOTA option should be accounted for, if NOTA garners majority of the votes, fresh elections should be held. So, the political parties would be compelled to field clean, credible candidates!
Haven't heard from him ever since!
(I wonder WHY? *'*Pondering*'*)
Disclaimer: (Although Section 66A has been revoked, I can't take chances!)
All the views expressed are my own personal opinion, based on well known facts available on the internet and newspapers. I shall not be liable to any inferences drawn by any reader. If you feel incited/instigated you have your own 'brain' use it wisely and don't get me into trouble! :S
I already am in a big soup.
Disclaimer: (Although Section 66A has been revoked, I can't take chances!)
All the views expressed are my own personal opinion, based on well known facts available on the internet and newspapers. I shall not be liable to any inferences drawn by any reader. If you feel incited/instigated you have your own 'brain' use it wisely and don't get me into trouble! :S
I already am in a big soup.