The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything...
It has nothing to do with the super-stupid, over hyped HGTTG or 42.
(The self certified Geeks would probably wanna assassinate me for this, my only request would be
read this post completely and decide!)
The answer to everything or the directions of how to find the answer to everything lies within you!
Yes, the human mind and the body that contains it. Together they are supreme.
There are
3 types of Knowledge in this world:
1) One which we acquire by listening to someone and reading about something.
2) One which we acquire by just thinking, whether what we heard or read about complies with any logic.
3) One which is gained from experience.
I'll illustrate with an example-- As a child I was very fond of Milk (surprisingly most of my cousins and other kids I knew just winced at the sound of milk!). My mother used to get the milk packet, empty it into a vessel and boil it and much to my dismay, prolong my wait to let the milk cool before letting me have some.
When I asked why do we have to wait? She used to smile and tell me, "the milk has many small germs which die when we boil it and after that we let it cool, else if you drink it directly it will burn.". (
Type 1 Knowledge) So on a cold winter evening after my mother was done with boiling milk she covered the vessel with a mesh like lid and left the kitchen as usual. Eager to have my daily share of milk a bit earlier that day, I sneaked in a stool from the living room clambered on to the shelf and upon seeing a big vessel full of milk, an excited
3.5 years old me gave it a thought.(
Type 2 Knowledge) the air around the vessel is a bit warm and in this cold weather it feels comforting, how can this hurt me? Maybe mother doesn't know that, we can drink milk even without waiting.
I think you can imagine what happened next. I was '
:P Yes, complete with a halo around my head! (
Type 3 Knowledge) and burns around one of my arms.
This is just a small example but isn't this something we all have been through, of course the magnitude and example would vary but the
crux remains the same. Experience derived knowledge is supreme. We trust it because we, ourselves have felt it.
Likewise most of our problems in life the pain, the miseries, etc. are created within us. We create our problems and seek "the answer" to alleviate it from others. Others might try consoling us and give suggestions to alleviate our problems but that respite is temporary. The suffering, the anger, the jealousy, the greed, the lust and many other things get suppressed and is hidden from our
conscious mind but keeps growing in our
subconscious mind. Waiting for the right opportunity, like a dormant volcano building up pressure and finally bursting out in the form of a violent eruption.
Eruptions could be in many forms.. again examples.
1) When you have a small disagreement with someone over parking space, you are already tired after a long day at work and 1.5 hours of driving through the busy roads across the city before that, you had your boss shouting his head off, threatening to fire you if, you managed to miss the project deadline again in the future. Oh and your morning started with your spouse complaining that, you neither spend more time with him/her nor do you earn like his/her best friend's spouse who just bought an expensive luxury car yesterday, brought back surprise gifts each weekend, etc etc.
Now, your volcano is all ready to erupt! The disagreement on the parking space turns into a heated argument and in some time you start exchanging blows. If, the volcano is too violent it might lead to some serious injuries or even killing that person. (We read a lot about road-rage the world over, don't we?)
2) You had a pleasant comfortable life, you had good friends, things were smooth. You had problems but they seemed manageable. One day you realize you had started developing feelings for one of your oldest close friends. You get to know he/she is seeing someone else. You feel hurt. You think it is better to wait till he/she is single again. He/She mentions his/her GF/BF in conversations with you, you feel hurt again. You see them posting photographs on social media, Check-ins at different venues that you had once thought you would take him/her to, status updates, etc again you are hurt. You think it's not fair for you to reveal your feelings right now and ruin someones's relationship. It just doesn't seem
ethical. The constant hope of a better future and waiting leaves you with many missed opportunities in terms of relations, friends, career, etc and you keep getting hurt and depressed all the time. Finally you get to hear he/she has broken up and you get all happy and excited make an elaborate plan to ask him/her out. But on D-day, alas, he/she surprises you by getting his/her brand new GF/BF and
BAM you get hurt real bad. You wait. Same thing happens. Break-up, hopes up, elaborate plan, this time you ask him/her out without delaying it. You get turned down, he/she has already started dating someone again. This time all that hurt has created a hollow ground under you. Eventually the top layer just cracked apart and you fall into a very deep pit. Other aspects of life like friends, career
and family so far ignored in this blind pursuit also seem to be in an irreparable state.
In the above two examples or any other situation be it rage, depression, jealousy or any other such emotion depending on the situation or a combination of more than one of those you realize, the origin of such situations are mostly not because of your own fault. They happened as a matter of probability/chance/luck, it was just random. We also know, there are other people who have greater problems and pain in life. Yet, each person feels his/her pain is the
worst that, no-one can understand his/her pain.
Although, in our mind we also know that a part of that extreme pain however small is self-inflicted, because we keep adding fuel to fire, making it more painful. We
crave for the things we like and we try to
avert the things we do
not like. Both of those act as fuels to our
affliction. Our conscious mind is aware what is wrong and what is not it suppresses these for sometime. It shuts down when we sleep and takes rest in between. However, the subconscious mind never rests, it is always aware. It keeps recording what is happening all through our life. It never forgets. When you get some extreme emotions the subconscious mind takes over the conscious one and lets out whatever was inside in the form of undesirable words and actions.
There is a famous saying:
"A person who can control his/her body (actions) is great, anyone who can control his/her tongue (words) is greater but, the one who can control his mind is the greatest."
It is because thoughts are the first to spring up in our mind subsequently, they get converted into words that we utter and finally when we think merely words cannot do the job, we try using physical actions. Thus, the key is to control your mind and take control of everything else as well.
But the problem is nobody tells us,
"How exactly are we supposed to do that?"
Controlling your mind is actually training your conscious mind to take charge of the subconscious mind. Once you do that you are rid of all your problems. This is what our religions, philosophies world over term as enlightenment, nirvana, swarg, heaven, jannat, etc.
We all know that, each religion has some rules, teachings of their own, right? We also know that each one differs from the other in some way, at least. Have we all not wondered at least once in our life that, when all normal humans are the same they all feel pain, love, anger, greed, jealousy compassion or any other sensation, then why is there no universal set of rules, philosophies and teachings applicable to all and acceptable by all. Something beyond religion or laws of the land.
Something which not only tells us in words about what things are and how things are, something that is not just compatible to our logic when we think about it. Something that we all can experience and attain? Because like I explained earlier "Experience" is the supreme knowledge. It needs no further proof as we know it for ourselves having experienced it.
Scientists of ancient India the
Rishis (mind you they weren't Hindus or of any other religious group as is often misrepresented) believed in this universal law of nature that they discovered. A law applicable to all, they found a method to experience it and realize it. The ideal law which
punishes a person for breaking its rules while a law abiding person is
rewarded. (the latter is nowhere to be seen even in the greatest democratic societies from the beginning of human civilization, till this very day.)
After venturing into some scientific discoveries and inventions these scientists realised all these new methods would make a human's life more convenient and comfortable, yet in turn these would create new
unforeseen problems in the future. Something we all know from history and experience- The greatest example being the Industrial Revolution leading to global warming and frequent disasters we see mostly in tropical and subtropical countries, colonization, epidemics like swine flu, bird flu, ebola virus, terrorism, wars, geopolitical tussles, lifestyle diseases, economics- if China sneezes Peru might catch cold, problems of religious intolerance, drug abuse, male dominated society, rapes, etc any problem that a person faces from physical pain to mental agony. Are all of these problems not created by our own so called new inventions and discoveries directly or indirectly?
They found a
method that could be followed by any mentally fit person whether he is physically fit or disabled. A method through which one could experience for oneself. It taught one to take control of one's subconscious and become its master. A solution for all problems, pains or miseries by becoming 'equanimous' to both pain and joy.
The answer to the creation. maturity and destruction of life, the universe and everything.
Sadly over thousands of years this method was lost and re-discovered again and again or sometimes it got modified into an unrecognisable form which obviously became non-functional. Call it destiny or the will of the
unknown superior power who witnesses us and our lives, that this method was practiced by very few for thousands of years preserved and handed over in its pure form over many generations.
I, for one had gone through much pain and suffering. Somewhere within, I knew that I, myself had aggravated my pain. I kept telling others but, nobody seemed to understand the nature and magnitude of my pain and worse my pain never seemed to wane despite letting it out and sharing it with others.
I tried many routes to get away from it- initially alcohol(thankfully I never really liked the side effects so there was no question of getting addicted and I quit for good with some effort), keeping my mind busy all the time, meditation (Which for me was closing my eyes, sitting cross legged and focusing on some particular image/form/word in my mind), visiting famous shrines of various religions praying to the almighty to grant me what I wanted the most in my life, (seemed more like striking a
biz deal with the Lord) I started doing good deeds and helping those in need in the blind hope that someday, someone might in turn help me get what I wanted. I also felt good when I helped others but it was
not the only reason I did all that for, which was
Likewise I tried many things, nothing seemed to work and the pain kept growing with no end in sight. I knew I was crumbling from within, it had been a long time since I was denied, what I thought I rightfully deserved.
An unaffiliated and secular
guru whose logic and wise words always seemed to make sense to me, one day just happened to mention that, "If in life, you think you have lost all hope and it seems that all doors are closed, try this method." He himself practiced it though, he was unqualified to teach it to me. Having tried many other things I blindly went by his word and learnt this method. Without consulting anyone else or researching much about it,
It worked better than I thought. I went to solve one big problem of my life and here I was gaping at a solution to all the problems in my life and in the life of everyone else who needed help. I am yet to get better at it. With practice I guess, I will gradually be rid of these problems soon.
I no longer pray (a better phrase would be 'strike a deal') to some almighty to grant me, my wishes, I put my best effort in what I want from life, leaving the outcome to probability/chance/luck. Winning or losing doesn't affect me. I still do pray, but I pray for the
well-being of
everyone because I'm also a part of everyone. I
no longer do good deeds with any expectation. I do it because it makes me happy to help others and I know exactly why I want to help. Every action of mine from now on would be motivated by what I learnt from this method. I see this method if applied in the right manner as a solution to everything in life and I hope it benefits every human and animal alike. May all be alleviated of their miseries like I have been, may all feel the peace that I have felt, may all be rid of their unhappiness as I am being rid of it each day by practicing it. The answer to everything lies not somewhere out there, not in books or philosophies or the so called holy places one visits, it lies within "
us". This method teaches us how to look for the answers.
So, if you have managed to read till here, you have been very patient. To learn it you
need not spend any money. It is taught for
"free" to preserve its sanctity.Yeah, even I was surprised when I got to know. It seemed too good to be true. If you are really serious about it and want to know more about it and where to learn it from, you can e-mail me.
As to '
Why' am I, not putting something so good which I want everyone to benefit from, here itself?
Well, I found out that unless you really need it, you might never be able to appreciate its
true value. You will be one of those who will waste his/her time by going and learning it, and eventually out of laziness and disinterest discontinue it. Or perhaps just laugh it off. Which would be an insult to it. Also, I feel, the greater the problems you have, the greater the beneficial effect it has on you.
My advise if in case you decide to try it:
~ Till the brief period of learning it, is over, strictly follow whatever rules the teacher asks you to abide by. After learning it, you are free not to follow it.
~ Do not research much and go there to learn with
prejudices. (I know it's hard to try something blindly without reading much about it online or asking others. Even I had the same feeling. But, it's worth it. Take my word for it.)
PS- It's not like you get a magic potion and you drink it to see the effects immediately. It takes some time and practice. It totally depends on you, yourself as to how fast it will work. Even I have just taken baby steps and still have a long way to go!
Also I have left a lot of clues for you to find out the answer. Some might have already heard about it or known of its existence. Don't worry if you didn't figure it out, I am always there to help.
I experienced nothing is permanent in life, except change and I found the path to my Peace and Liberation. And did you?
Do share your experiences if you have tried it out!