20 March, 2015

The girl with the Yellow Bag

The girl with the Yellow Bag

A warm breeze gently blowing on my face, nudged me out of my dreams. I must have dozed off on the bench; I had no recollection of where I was and how I ended up there. Judging by the Sun’s position, it was almost noon time.  I looked ahead, trying to find someone but couldn’t see anyone in the vicinity. I turned around to check behind me, yet again nobody in sight. Disappointed, yet with some blind hope I scanned the area around me. A hundred yards to my right- almost hidden from my view by a coconut tree, much to my relief was a girl. She adorned a short, mauve dress with some floral print that I couldn’t discern from the distance, though it fit her tall and voluptuous frame perfectly!

I was up on my feet and jogged towards her as discretely as possible so that I didn’t intimidate her in any way. I paused briefly when I was just a few yards away from her, we were standing at some beach about a mile away from a harbour. The water was pristine, turquoise-blue. There were a few fishing boats and trawlers around, yet, not even a soul in sight. My attention shifted back to the girl, I noticed her long black hair with copper streaks that trailed down to her hips like a silken scarf, left unbound for the wind to caress it, at its own will. She was facing the sea with her back towards me, gazing at something distant as if waiting for someone. I could finally see the flowers on her dress now, they were lotuses and she had a yellow bag clung to her shoulder. I felt this deep urge to run across the rest of the distance and see what she looked like, who was she? Although, I thought, I knew who it might be, I had to be sure before assuming. I kept closing in towards her at a gentle pace, my heart was now racing at an unusual pace. By the time I came to a halt merely inches behind her, I felt breathless despite the fact that, I had been walking at a very restrained pace. My curiosity had been urging me to run to her. My heart pounding ever harder as though, it might burst out of my chest any moment. I now sensed a benign fragrant perfume in the air. All of a sudden, its familiarity dawned on me. I could faintly recall the person who used to use such a perfume.
Memories from the past started flooding back to my mind. Finally, the moment was here, this time I shall find out who she is!
In my mind the voice kept reverberating that it was her, it had to be her.

I raised my arm, gave her a gentle tap on her shoulder and when I did, she seemed to be a bit surprised. I could sense it, by the startled reaction that her body gave upon my touch. She must have been lost in her own thoughts. She now moved to turn around to face me. But, before she did, alas! My trance like sleep had been broken by the ringing of bells from a Hindu Temple, the one which my balcony overlooked. It was morning again and the priest had started with his routine rituals.

The dream was left incomplete, yet again....

Yes, I know you must be disappointed with the end, I feel no different!

If the suspense is killing you, can you not imagine, what I am going through?

This is one of the many dreams I had and happened to recollect. The Yellow Bag is special because, surprisingly, I have had it quite a few times now. Unusual!

The story continues @ Red: A DREAM ride on the Metro (Click)

Post Scriptum: Do dreams come true? Well, we would have to wait and watch...
                          Also all the posts after this, with the word 'Dream' are a continuation of this 

                          story, if you may call it a story.


  1. Aah, our very own dear bitch, the alarm. I hadnt really expected this was how you were going to end it. You are really good at keeping up the suspense. Keep posting, it was a good light read.

    1. Yeah, an alarm which i can't snooze! :| or turn off
      and the suspense was not deliberate ;)

  2. Kartik Chhabra29 May 2015 at 23:15

    a friend shared this, on FB.
    I must say it was catchy though, the ending doesn't do justice to this tale...

    1. Thank you very much, for expressing your views sir. Also, for your encouraging words !
      As for the ending, I'll try my best to dream differently next time ;)

  3. I wish I was that girl, the way you describe it. I even own a Yellow Bag :P
    It sounds like some place in Singapore, near Harbour front ?

    1. Give me your contact number if, ever I happen to be at Harbour Front, I shall let you know.
      You can get your yellow bag along :P

  4. Jodie just sent me that link.
    but, your post was already being shared on our FB Singapore Blogger's Group.
    I must admit, captivating description!

    1. Thanks for the compliments ma'am!
      Glad & surprised to know about such following in S'pore .
      As for the place I can't say for sure.. A dream it was!

  5. <3
    That would be me, la!
    I'll soon buy a yellow bag, as well ;)
    jokes apart, a refreshing short read, quite different from the usual sh*t on facebbokkkk!
    do you know who that girl is? in the 'real life' world...

  6. okay, I'll have trouble finding her, with so many ladies turning up with a Yellow Bag :|
    thank you very much, ma'am, for the compliment :)
    I think I know who she is. I just hope she realizes it herself.. soon.

  7. nice one !

    but I'll advise you, women are time waste...

  8. Then almost half of the world is wasting its time, right?
    That would be one way of seeing it.. Even women might argue, "Men are time waste.."

  9. short and sweet :)

  10. White Tiger, I really enjoyed reading this post. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. You truly have a gift. This is great. Happy Writing!

    1. Thank you very much, for such encouraging words.
      This is the first episode, at the end of each there is a link to the next one.

    2. First of all, this is a very expressed narrative!

      It did occur to me once that our consciousness moves during sleep into a parallel universe. Which is why, in dreams, things are familiar and yet different.

    3. I hope "well" would be the missing word between very and expressed.
      nevertheless, thank you very much!


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